Exploring the World of Wine & Tasting

October 1, 2007

What did you say the name was?

We extend an open invitation to all, to share the name of a particularly fine wine you have enjoyed. Part of the purpose behind the Wino Adventures Blog is host a forum for the exchange of good recommendations of wine. We all know how it is to step into the market and look at shelves after shelves of wines...some fine, and some not so fine. How nice would it be to recognize a new name and take home a delicious wine? On that note, everyone feel invited to post the name and a comment or two about a tasty bottle you have stumbled (or not) across!

"Even an atheist may be ready to concede that a good wine is the drink of the gods."
- Paul Carvel, Belgian Author


El Torero said...

My vote is for the Zenaida Cellars Syrah, and OF COURSE IT IS SOLD OUT!!! A not too distant second is the Zenaida Cellars Zin. It's a Zin that's sinfully delicious.


Thanks for the 2 suggestions! In case anyone wants to investigate this Paso Robles winery, visit www.zenaidacellars.com!

The Connoisseur said...

If you are looking for something a bit out of the ordinary, may I suggest a personal favorite in the Tio Pepe Fino, a dry sherry from the Jerez region of southern Spain. I know when you think of sherry, you associate it with dessert wines, overly sweet and syrupy. This is not the case for high quality sherries, and the Tio Pepe fino has a very dry yet palatable complexion. I had the pleasure of first trying this wine at the Gonzalez Byass Bodega in Jerez, Spain and have been a convert ever since. The wine is not particularly pricy either, and is the most widely distributed of Spanish sherries. Salud!

Unknown said...

Thunderbird. I think they make it by the tanker truck, so, unlike those inferior wine factories that ya'll buy your hooch from, it shouldn't ever be sold out.

But if for some reason they don't got Thunderbird then I'll take the Night Train.

Velvet Fog said...

LaFond Pinot Noir
Very interesting and generally available for around 20 dollars